The Seven Cutest Animals You’ve Never Seen

Red Panda

Cutest Animal Red Panda Picture

More closely related to raccoons and weasel, the adorable red pandas frolic in the forests of the Himalayas, Burma and central China. These adorable creatures hardly grow bigger than a house cat and spend most of their time in trees. Their numbers, however, have been dwindling thanks to deforestation.

Cutest Animal Red Panda

Red Panda Photograph

Cute Animal Red Panda

Adorable Red Panda

Cutest Red Panda Photo

Red Panda

Red Panda Pic

Baby Red Panda Photograph

Long Tailed Chinchilla

Cutest Animal Ever Long Tailed Chinchilla

These cute and cuddly critters are native to South America. In the 1950s, the species was considered to be extinct, but they were rediscovered in the late 1970s. Since then, they have, unfortunately, appeared consistently on the most endangered species list. Conservation efforts are in effect, but numbers continue to dwindle.

Adorable Long Tailed Chinchilla

Cute Animal Long Tailed Chinchilla

Cutest Animal Chinchilla Photograph

Chinchilla Picture

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