The Red Ball Project Hits Paris

red ball 1 The Red Ball Project Hits Paris

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red ball 3 The Red Ball Project Hits Paris

red ball 4 The Red Ball Project Hits Paris

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The time to talk about the elephant in the room has ceased, at least to artist Kurt Perschke. It’s time to talk–or as Perschke hopes–wonder about the large red ball directly in your path. By the playful placing of an bold, exaggerated ball on every day street corners, Perschke hopes to tap into the part of our brain that ponders the unreasonable and beyond belief–a part of the mind that far too often grows dusty with age.

Says Perschke in his statement, “On the surface, the experience seems to be about the ball itself as an object, but the true power of the project is what it can create for those who experience it. It opens a doorway to imagine what if? As RedBall travels around the world people approach me on the street with excited suggestions about where to put it in their city. In that moment the person is not a spectator but a participant in the act of imagination. I have witnessed it across continents, diverse age spans, cultures, and languages, always issuing an invitation. That invitation to engage, to collectively imagine, is the true essence of the RedBall Project.”

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