America’s Weirdest Water Towers

Coffee Pot & Cup and Saucer Water Towers – Stanton, Iowa

USE cup Americas Weirdest Water Towers

Source: Flickr,

POT Americas Weirdest Water Towers

Source: Flickr,

Stanton, Iowa was home to the actress Virginia Christine, who played Folgers’ Mrs. Olson on television commercials, so the town’s natural choice for water tower design was obviously coffee related. Both water towers reside within city limits and are certainly two-of-a-kind. The coffee pot design holds 40,000 gallons of coffee, while the cup and saucer design holds 2,400,000 cups of coffee or 150,000 gallons. Both towers hold the title of World’s Largest Coffee Cup and Coffee Pot, respectively.

Pineapple Water Tower – Honolulu, Hawaii

Pine card Americas Weirdest Water Towers

Source: Card Cow,

USe pineapple Americas Weirdest Water Towers

Source: Tiny Pineapple,

The Pineapple Water Tower in Honolulu was erected by none other than the produce giant Dole. The tower was created in 1927 and held 100,000 gallons of water. The giant pineapple stood over the city for nearly 60 years, and may be one of the most well-known water towers in the country. Unfortunately, due to age and rust, the pineapple had to be disassembled and taken down in 1993.

Leaning Water Tower – Groom, Texas

britten tower2 Americas Weirdest Water Towers

Source: Christopher Crawford Photo,

leaning highway Americas Weirdest Water Towers

Source: Trail Zombie,

Not to be confused with the Leaning Tower of Pisa water tower in Niles, Illinois (yes, that exists), the literal Leaning Water Tower in Groom, Texas is in a league of its own. Erected by a member of the area’s large Britten family as a means of bringing business to their truck stop, the tower leans at a 10 degree angle and no longer holds water. Today, the truck stop is gone, but the leaning tower still attracts tourists.

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