15 Most Devastating Photos of the UK Floods

For the past year, Mother Nature has let loose a torrent of unpredictable, devastating weather conditions. From bitter cold spells to mind-bending earthquakes, the UK floods are the most recent weather-related problem in a string of worldwide natural disasters. Over the past couple of months, the UK floods have claimed lives, forced thousands from their homes and annihilated local ecosystems.

Check out these devastating images of the damage caused by the UK floods.

Royals Aid Flood Relief

Even royals Prince William and Prince Harry joined flood-relief efforts. Source: Global Post

UK Flood Waters are Dangerously High

Dangerously high flood waters lap at a residence. Source: Mirror

UK Floods Devour Cemeteries

Flooded cemeteries further complicate matters for UK residents. Source: The Guardian

As of Monday, a reported 5,800 properties, homes and residencies were reported as flooded. Experts estimate that each of these households will cost between £30,000 and £40,000 to repair. Numerous individuals have been forced to evacuate their homes and are now seeking shelter.

Flooding Creates Monstrous Waves

The massive UK floods cause monstrous waves near Wales. Source: Daily Mail

England's Flood Warnings

A map of England’s flood warnings from early 2014. Source: Daily Mail

Nigel Farage wades through floodwater in Somerset. Source: Metro

Nigel Farage wades through floodwater in Somerset. Source: Metro

Floodwater Pumps into River

Authorities cannot pump floodwater out quickly enough. Source: Aljazeera America

Volunteers Help UK Flood Victims

Volunteers help flood victims on the Thames river. Source: BBC News

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