![The Suburban Hardass Meme](http://i.imgur.com/mNL2e.jpg)
The Suburban Hardass, the worst thing to ever happen to gated communities.
“DuckTales, woo-oo!” If you were alive and coherent in the 90’s, you likely saw and enjoyed this show. The folks at mentalfloss.com put together a little quiz to test how much attention you were paying during your idle cartoon hours. So go!
This, and the other photos, just have to give you chills. Thanks to buzzfeed.com we can look to these images to be reminded of the athletisicm and talent of the Paralympic Athletes.
Sthtop, sthtop, ith too cute!
What a delightful idea! Just think of all the variations! Good thinking, nataliedee.com.
Google does it again on the 46th Anniversary of Star Trek: The Original Series with an interactive (keep your speakers on!) doodle to honor the groundbreaking (and often corny) television show.
Don’t worry guys, you don’t have anything we want…yet.
Isn’t it nice when children’s books continue to teach us lessons years later?
Yikes. Looks a little virus-y, don’t you think?
What’s even sadder than this meme is that many people who have graduated STILL know someone like this.
Would it be weird if I wrote in Jon Gnarr in November?
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Be sure to check out all the PBH Network has to offer: ProseBeforeHos, Runt Of The Web, Alligator Sunglasses, PBH2, and All That Is Interesting. Thanks again to all of our fans and supporters!
Psst, hey, you. Yeah, you! With the glazed over eyes and the bad posture. Need a little end of the week pick-me-up? Or maybe you’re heading to a party this weekend and don’t know what to talk about. Whatever you need, we’ve got it right here with the best links from the PBH Network.
Ah, innocence. Remember when you were really, really little and didn’t know any better? Yeah, you do, and now you’re going to think about that humiliating moment when you’re trying to sleep tonight. You’re welcome.
If all of Romney’s speeches sounded like this steamy love letter, maybe we’d be more apt to listen.
This compilation is a whole lot better than a 10 minute loop of the “Mom, momma, mommy, mum…” bit.
Japan is famous for many things, but what they consider to be “every day” fashion is among the most popular. Honestly, I just wish it was okay to have lavender locks at the office.
It’s time for school to start, which means a brand new crop of college freshman have just been thrust out into the semi-real world. We fully expect every college in America to produce some sort of “Call Me Maybe” cover on YouTube.
Be sure to check out all the PBH Network has to offer: ProseBeforeHos, Runt Of The Web, Alligator Sunglasses, PBH2, and All That Is Interesting. Thanks again to all of our fans and supporters!
Welcome back to another edition of “Stop Clock-watching and Chill With Us For a Little While.” Happy Friday, y’all.
This has the potential for meme-dom, don’t you think? Get crackin’, readers!
We hope this meme isn’t too meta for you right now. But seriously, the four surrounding cubicles heard that, and you’re not getting away with it.
The landing of the Mars Curiosity Rover has us all looking up lately, and what we’re seeing is stunning.
Cruel? Yes. Uncalled for? Maybe. Utterly hilarious because it’s not us? Absolutely.
Personally, I wouldn’t want to take that dream away from the kid.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Be sure to check out all the PBH Network has to offer: ProseBeforeHos, Runt Of The Web, Alligator Sunglasses, PBH2, and All That Is Interesting. Thanks again to all of our fans and supporters!
Ah, working in an office. Every young adult will reach that time where they find the marrow being slowly sucked out of their bones by 40 hours of office work a week. You end up passing your days watching the seconds tick by as you have inappropriate thought after inappropriate thought. So we present, the Office Thoughts meme:
Between blogging about her dreams of a classless society from her MacBook Pro and griping about the health-related perils of a world running on McDonalds and fossil fuels while on Adderall, the College Liberal meme is a web of contradictions that most care not to broach:
Here we are again, friends. Another Friday. Another day of watching the clock. But never fear: PBH Network is here to cheer you up for at least a few minutes.
Calvin and Hobbes sure do know how to sum up the summer childhood experience in one panel, don’t they? It makes us yearn for the days of Popsicles in the pool and playing in the sand.
A good question as always, Internet Oracle. For more of the philosoraptor’s postulates, be sure to visit Runt Of The Web.
Even though it’s summer, we know you don’t have ample time to idly scroll through pages and pages of quality stuff…so we wanted to bring all the best posts from PBH around the web to you in an easily digestible “best of the week” recap!
“Cats being cute” seem to be an internet staple. However, some people tend to lean toward “cats looking dumb” as a Google search preference. And who can blame them? These cats make looking crazy just about as cute as it could be.